5Essentials Survey
This year Liberty Elementary School is participating in the 5Essentials Survey. This survey takes a look at how a school is incorporating and functioning at the building level when it comes to effective leadership, collaborative teachers, involved families, supportive environment, and ambitious instruction. Please take a moment and complete the survey following the link below.
Effective Leaders: Many studies have shown that school leaders have a positive and significant, albeit indirect, relationship with student achievement. This relationship works through other organizational conditions including the school environment or culture, as well as through teacher professional community.
Collaborative Teachers: Researchers have found an association between schools with higher levels of collaboration among teachers who feel collectively responsible for all students in the school and significantly higher achievement.E In studies using data from Massachusetts and a large Midwestern urban district, researchers discovered an association between teachers working closely together to share ideas and resources across classrooms and student learning.
Involved Families: Strong family and community involvement is significantly and positively related to student achievement. One study found a significant relationship between school family partnership programs emphasizing teacher and parent collaboration and frequent communication between teachers and parents and academic achievement of students. A different study found that in schools with higher levels of trust between teachers and families, student achievement in math and reading was higher.
Supportive Environment: Researchers posit that students learn best in schools that are safe, orderly, and supportive. For example, in schools where staff have high expectations for student learning and drive students to achieve at their greatest potential, researchers have found a positive relationship with student learning gains.
Ambitious Instruction: Several researchers have found a significant relationship between students exposed to clear, coherent, and high quality instruction and higher learning outcomes.
Special Events
Throughout the school year, we have several special events at Liberty. Some of these include:
-Grade level musical shows
-Holiday celebrations (fall, winter, Valentine's Day)
-Liberty Lollapalooza (Spring 2018)
-Family Math/Reading Nights (planned by Grade Levels)
-Student Awards ceremonies
-Open House (September 20th)
-Parent Teacher Conference Night (November 7th)
-Grade level Movie Nights (TBD)
-Grade level themed dances (Halloween Monster Mash--October 30th. Open to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade ONLY)
-Polar Express (December 19th; A fun-filled experience for all students enrolled in Kindergarten and 1st Grade. there will be hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies, plus some movie entertainment)
...and many more
Coffee with the Principals
We have had a variety of topics including: reading, math, helping your child read and complete homework, technology for students and parents, seasonal celebrations, leadership building, and more.
See our list of Coffee with the Principals below. Fliers will be sent home as the event gets closer. We hope to see you there.
Latino Family Literacy Project
This program has begun and we're looking for more participants! The group meets on Tuesday's from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. for 10 weeks. All books covered in the session are bilingual and parents will take them home for a week to read with their child(ren). Childcare will be provided for children 4 - 12 years of age in order for the parent(s) to focus completely on the session. Mrs. Bertha Vasquez (ESL Resource teacher) & Mrs. Maggie Escofe (Parent Lead) will be the instructors. See future dates below.
URGENT!--The Latino Family Literacy Project is in desperate need of more parents. Without the numbers to fill the needed spots of parent attendance (at least 10 parents), we will not be able to continue this important and worthwhile experience. Please consider attending. You may call the office at 708.780.4475 for more information!
Tuesday, October 17th
Tuesday, October 24th
Tuesday, November 14th
Tuesday, November 21st
Tuesday, November 28th
Tuesday, December 5th
Tuesday, December 12th
Tuesday, December 19th
Parent Involvement Committee
Liberty School has a variety of ways that parents can get involved. One way is by joining our Parent Involvement Committee. Our parent group works side by side with teachers at Liberty to plan and provide input on programs at our school. In the past, the Parent Involvement Committee has supported activities such as: Classroom guest readers, Children's Day celebration, "Come for Breakfast, Stay for Class", as well as assisting with our school improvement goals and helping raise funds that benefit our students. We are in the process of updating our calendar for meeting times/dates.
Parent Patrol
The Liberty Parent Patrol group works with our school and community members to ensure a safe entry and exit for our students and families. Parent Patrol is always looking for additional volunteers. Please visit the Liberty office to complete an application to serve on Parent Patrol. You will find some new friends and perhaps connect with some old ones!
Veterans Day Assembly
Shout out to all Veterans! Liberty is hosting a Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 10, 2017 at 9:00am in the gymnasium. Liberty School is asking for any veterans to contact the main office if you would like to be a part of the celebration that morning. A flier will be sent home as the date approaches. More details concerning that morning will be announced shortly. We are very thankful for all of what our veterans have done.